Sunday, April 28, 2019

Tasting - Voyager Point

Name: Voyager Point
Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon
Region: California, 
Country: USA
Year: 2016
Price: 9.99
Shop Review: from the back of the bottle, "boasts vibrant notes of ripe, dark fruits like blackberries, plums and cherries. A bold and expressive wine cultivated in the idyllic sun-soaked vineyards of California."
My review: The wine was sweeter than I expected it to be. The wine was fruity, especially notes of blackberries. It had a vibrant taste and smell, with a deep ruby hue. The sweetness was tempered with dryness that made the wine very easy to enjoy. I had it paired with a steak and mushroom dish. The meatiness of the dinner bought out the bright flavors of the wine. 

Tasting - Chateau Ste Michelle

Name: Chateau Ste Michelle 
Variety: Riesling

Region: Columbia Valley, Washington
Country: USA
Year: 2016
Price: $10.99
Shop Review: from the back of the bottle, "crafted to be crisp and dry... fresh flavors of white peach and mandarin orange"
My review: This Dry Riesling was refreshing and light. It was dry but there was a hint of mandarin oranges that balanced it. The floral notes of the wine made it also more enjoyable. To be honest, I thought it was a little hard to finish the bottle with my roommate (which usually isnt an issue) given its acidity, but overall a good buy for the price. Maybe if I had this wine paired with grapes and a sweeter cheese, the flavors would have complimented each other more.

Tasting - Le Pur Fruit Du Causse

Name: Le Pur Fruit Du Causse 
Variety: Malbec
Region: Cahors
Country: France
Year: 2017
Price: $15
Shop review: from a review online, "Fab fruity nose, all raspberry, plum and spice. Also a bit of black fruit on tasting, leather, spice. A very vibrant Malbec. Yum! This would be very good friendly I suspect.
My review: I apparently did not like this wine as much as the reviewers did! It was incredibly complex and hard for me to drink despite it being fairly low tannins. It was really spicy and reminded me of when I made wings in the smoker but accidentally put way too much salt and pepper in the dry rub. The fruit flavor was also very very strong. I didn't get a lot of depth of flavor from the wine - just strong raspberry and strong spice. Maybe my pallet isn't adjusted enough yet to be able to enjoy these flavors :/

Tasting - Apothic Red

Apothic Red
Variety: Zinfandel, merlot, syrah, cabernet sauvignon
Region: California
Country: USA
Year: 2014
Price: $8
Shop review: back of label says "layers of dark red fruit complemented by hints of vanilla and mocha"
My review: This wine had bold aromas of fruit on my nose that complimented the fairly strong taste of mocha. I thought these went well together, and the mild tannins in the back helped prevent it from simply tasting like a chocolate covered strawberry. I did not pick up on any notes of vanilla, but I was also in a very causal environment with friends while drinking this, and more focused on conversation than examining every flavor. Overall a delicious blend that I would buy again. 

Tasting - Hero and Villain

Name: Hero and Villain
Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon
Region: California
Country: USA
Year: 2016
Price: $10
Shop review: no description on the back of the bottle. From and online review, "dark red berries, soft tannins, and mellow oak"
My review: This cabernet sauvignon beat my expectations! I was already full after eating dinner at qdoba on campus when I first tried this with my roommate, and I was impressed. While it was medium bodied, it still packed a lot of berry flavor which I love. The tannins were pretty soft which made the wine drinkable as I relaxed and worked on some homework. Although I bought this bottle just because of the cool label and low price, it turned out pretty good.
I did not eat food with this wine

Winery Visit - Beliveau Winery

This Sunday was a beautiful, sunny, spring day. As such, I wanted to spend it outside as much as possible. I gathered up a couple friends and decided to visit one of the local Virginia wineries. Having had White Barrel's wines before (and not being the biggest fan) we decided to venture out to Beliveau Winery. The drive out there was beautiful and we ended up having a great couple hours hanging out in the sun.

Here's a view looking towards the vines from our picnic table

After we arrived at the winery and settled in, I quickly and got up and left for the tour. Derek, who runs most of the operations on the vineyard, showed us around. He first took us up to one of their sections of grapes, as shown below. He explained which grapes they grow where, how they're forced to use antifungal and anitpest chemicals because of the climate. I was surprised to find out that out of all the wineries in VA, only TWO are organic! That's crazy to me. Anyway, after showing us their method for allowing the vines to grow vertically, we went inside where all of the work is done after the grapes are picked. 

Derek, the gentleman who showed us around the winery, showing us his pinot gris vines and explaining how they runs things

Inside, Derek showed us how the whole operation works, and we even got some wine fresh out of the barrels. They do a BUNCH of different fermenting, barreling, mixing, etc. They use steel vats, french oak barrels, plastic barrels, and even these super cool hybrid barrels. The hybrid barrels were cool because they are primarily steel, but have oak caps and staves that can be inserted into the barrel to add flavor. They offer less oxidation than normal oak, but more control over the flavors that are imparted into the wine. They mostly use the steel vats for storing wine before bottling, but he said that he has also done the method of adding oak chips to the wine as well. Lastly, he explained that the plastic barrels do offer some oxidation while not allowing wine to evaporate, which I found hard to believe. 

He showed us the grape press which is shown below and used to remove the skins from white wines before they begin fermentation. During this portion of the tour he also said that 30% of all the fruit they use is not actually grown on their winery!!! I found this shocking, but it makes total sense. Who would want to grow a reisling in Virginia anyway?

Their grape press for separating the juice from the skins

After the tour, we participated in a wine tasting which included EIGHT of their wines. My notes from the tasting are here below. Unfortunately they're not too extensive since we moved through them very quickly.

Mystique 2014: super refreshing with floral notes. Not very remarkable though

Destiny: Probably my second favorite wine I tried here. Not normally a huge fan of wine wines because I think it's hard to balance the acidity, sweetness, and overall crispness of the drink. Lots of floral flavors and aromas. Light body. Went well with the sunshine

Lovers Quest: 2.5% residual sugar added to this. Sweet on the front of the tongue with the right amount of acidity in the back. Not aromatic at all

Summer Rose: the pinot grigio used in this blend is left with the skins on while fermenting which helps contribute to the darker, almost green color to this wine. Medium to light body with low tannins. Moderately sweet. Initially I was reminded of bananas - derek said he picks up a lot of lime flavor.

Trailblazer: a young merlot - derek explained that this bottle could age very well for a few more years. Medium to high tannin level with smokey and peppery flavors and aromas. Reminded me of a camp fire. Also had quite a cherry like fruit flavor.

A Capella: lots of spice, tart berry flavor, tickled my tongue
Sweet Surrender: made of concord and st vincent grapes! Tasted a lot like welches grape juice, but was made very drinkable and not too sweet by the st vincent grapes

Transformation: This was my favorite wine out of the bunch (maybe cuz it was the last one). As Derek explained, they have a proprietary double fermentation process for this wine which he couldn't share! He did explain that involved multiple different strains of yeast, which makes sense because this wine was 19% ABV without any added brandy or anything. Additionally, it had 3% sugar added as well. This made for an incredibly balanced wine that was sweet but still had the bigger body. It didn't have any of the syrupy texture that I sometimes feel from sweeter wines. Overall, they definitely decided to just go crazy when making this wine, but it definitely worked out!
Participating in a great wine tasting 

A listing of their wines. The ones with the dots next to them were included in the wine tasting

Me and my two friends Chris and David who enjoyed a bottle of Fireside Chat 2015 (I just did the tasting because I'm cheap)

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Wine and Cheese Pairing

Glen Ellen Reserve Chardonnay
- as a super cheap wine (I think it was $4 for the bottle) I wasn't expecting a ton out of this wine. It didn't have great depth of flavor. Big flavors of pear. When paired with the Gouda cheese, the wine dominated the softer flavors of the cheese. However, since the flavors were softer, I did like the combo as the flavors didn't fight each other. I think the cheddar went with it and gave the wine a nice sharp kick at the end. The muenster cheese, which was salty and creamy, complimented the dryness of the chardonnay. It was really flavorful but not the best pairing.

Crane Lake Malbec
- another cheap wine from kroger. the bottle says that it is dry and has flavors of raspberry, black cherry, and currant. I personally didn't taste a ton of black raspberry, but I did get the black cherry, which I really enjoyed. Fairly dry but not the most dry wine ever. Loved the cheddar cheese with it, but the gouda was even better. The creaminess of the cheese went super well with the dry wine. The muenster actually went super well with the wine as well, probably because of its creaminess.

Corbett Canyon Chardonnay
- from the back of the bottle, "medium-bodied with classic hints of apples, pears, and toasty oak. I liked this chardonnay a little bit more than the first chardonnay. It's flavors of apples went well with the pear and dry components of the wine. It had a stronger aftertaste than the first one that I enjoyed. The super creamy gouda cheese was great and left an oily feeling in my mouth and paired well with the dry wine. My favorite pairing tonight was this chardonnay with the horseradish cheddar cheese. I'm a big fan of horseradish flavor in general, and love how it contributes to the wine.

Tasting - Iron Horse

Name: Iron Horse Chambourcin - cinder snapper
Variety: Chambourcin
Region: Allisonia, VA
Country: USA
Year: unknown
Price: $20
Shop review: from the back of the bottle, "aromas of ripe plums and rich cherries, augmented by entrancing flavors of black raspberry and blueberry, with hints of black tea and dates. emerging in the lingering finish. Pair this wine with tomato based pasta dishes, pizza, barbecue, game, roasted meats, lamb dishes, and chocolate."

My review: The easiest way to sum up this wine for me is "YUM". A few fruity wine that was easy to drink, this moderately sweet wine had lots of fruity notes. The flavor of raspberry and black tea were the strongest for me, and lasted for awhile with the aftertaste. While this wine was fairly dry, it was smooth and medium-bodied. While I didn't have any chocolate with me when I tasted this, I totally see how it would pair extremely well with some nice milk chocolate.

Wine Lab Tasting - Avantis

Image result for NV Avantis Melitis Muscat a Petit Grains

Name: NV Avantis Melitis Muscat a Petit Grains
Variety: Melitis
Region: Evia
Country: Greece
Year: N/A
Price: $18
Shop review: "Bright gold color, with complex, concentrated aroma of roses, honey, orange blossom, and herbs with nuances of candy. The sweetness on the palate is supported by high acidity, full body, and intense flavors of roses, honey, peach, caramel, candy, toffee, and butter. It has a silky texture and long finish."

My review: The first thing I noticed about this wine was the HUGE aroma of mandarin oranges. It was striking, and so strong that I could have sworn that I was sticking my nose into a bowl of fruit salad. The taste offered strong flavors of honey above all others, with the mandarin orange flavor still present behind it. It was also very full-bodied, which further contributed to the impression of honey. Furthermore, this wine had enough acid with it that it didn't have the sticky aftertaste feeling that I often get with other super-sweet wines. The feeling in the back of my mouth and throat was simply refreshing, and left me feeling like I could have another glass

Wine Lab Tasting - Gavalas

Name: Gavalas PGI Cyclades Mavrotragano
Variety: Mavrotragano
Region: Cycladic Islands
Country: Greece
Year: 2016
Price: $52
Shop review: "having gone through one year in oak barrels, it is deep purple in color, with noticeable acidity and concentrated aromas of cherry, blackberry and tobacco. Rich and dense on the palate, it is full-bodied with spicy notes, velvety tannins, and an undertone of minerality."

My review: This is definitely the most expensive wine I've ever tasted - and it did not disappoint. This wine had deeper and more interesting flavors than what I am accustomed to. It was very acidic with huge raspberry flavors. Besides the raspberry, the largest flavor that I picked up was the strong minerality. Also picked up hints of spices, specifically freshly ground pepper. This was was absolutely. I would love to drink this with dinner every night, as I think the flavors would complement a nice pasta or red meat dish very well.

Wine Lab Tasting - Tetramythos

Image result for 2017 Tetramythos Black of Kalavryta vivino

Name: Tetramythos PGI Achaia Black of Kalavryta
Variety: 100 % Black of Kalavryta aka Mavrokalavrytino
Region: Peloponnese
Country: Greece
Year: 2017
Price: $13/bottle
Shop review: "Vibrant ruby in color, this wine features aromas of cherry, violet petals, spice, and leather. Medium-bodied on the palate, it has an intriguing herbal character, with characteristic tannins that give it a long aftertaste."

My review: This wine smelled VERY spicy. The aromas filled my nose and tickled it - like smelling ground black pepper. The taste also had a lot of herbs and spices, and made me think that it would go great with salmon. The aftertaste lasted for a very long time, and dried my tongue and mouth out.

Tasting - Voyager Point

Name: Voyager Point Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon Region: California,  Country: USA Year: 2016 Price: 9.99 Shop Review: from...